Soft Goods Design- October 2021
Project Overview
The purpose of this project was to research and design a series of 3 bags for a company with an emphasis on branding and materials.

Dynasty Bag Series

Lacrosse was a sport played originally by Native American groups in the area now known as Canada. The game of lacrosse was used to train warriors, create community, and as a ritualistic practice. The game was adopted by Europeans after the game was used to capture a fort. Traditionally played on a long field, they used almost no equipment, more similar to modern women's lacrosse than men's.

Brine was founded in 1922 by W.H. Brine Company, and quickly became the standard for sporting goods. Through the 1950s and 60s they experimented with new methods and materials.
They were some of the first companies to produce non-wooden lacrosse sticks, as well as synthetic leather for soccer.

Now, Brine represents the niche market of Women's lacrosse. Their modern innovations include welded mesh which was made legal for games in 2018. This spirit of innovation and love for the game inspired this series of bags for pro-level players of women's lacrosse.

Lifestyle, Competition, and Travel

These three bags were designed to meet three different needs that a pro-level women's lacrosse player will face at different points of their season. Despite the obvious differences in scale and use, they have a cohesive design integrating Brine's iconic triangular logo and use of color.

Final Bag Series and Details

Click the image below to see more details and functions of the bag designs.


See More:

Delivery Mobility, a link to a locked page that covers the process of designing the project.
Varma, a link to a page that covers the process of designing a furniture set.
Reimagined space, a link to a page that covers the process of designing the project.